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Langji Minjiang Bridge -- Length of Erected Steel Box Girder Segment Exceeds 400m

Source:    Date:2013-03-15  

On 10th of March, the 17th steel box girder segment of the main bridge of Langji Minjiang Bridge was erected successfully, which marks the length of erected girder segments is exceeding 400m and up to 466m to date.

The total length of the Langji Minjiang Bridge is 2675m, the length of the main bridge 1280m, the main span 680m, the width of the bridge deck 28.7m.The main girder is streamlined flat steel box girder, single-box three-cell structure, the total number of segments of the whole bridge is 97(including 49 segments for contract II and 48 segments for contract I), the maximum weight of the segment is 250t, designed for dual way four lanes and emergency parking area, dual way six lanes reserved.



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