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Gold Prize granted to MBEC for Jiqiaodadao Cable-stayed Bridge over Beijing-Guangzhou Railway Line

Source:    Date:2013-01-30  

Wuhan Municipal Demonstration Project Gold Prize for the Year of 2011 was granted to MBEC for Jiqiaodadao Cable-stayed Bridge over Beijing-Guangzhou Railway Line recently. The cable-stayed bridge is single-tower double-cable-plane prestressed concrete box girder cable-stayed bridge in a length of 260m which strides over Beijing-Guangzhou Railway Line, Hefei-Wuhan Railway Line and other 9 nos. railway lines by one span. The tower is in height of 101.7m. As the first onshore cable-stayed bridge in Wuhan, the main span is in a length of 138m which is the longest span among the similar bridges in China.

The Gold Prize was issued by Association of Wuhan Municipal Works and there are 20 projects awarded Gold Prize of Wuhan Municipal Demonstration Project for the Year of 2011.



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